We seek to be a good neighbor to the schools and community organizations around us, as well as pursuing some of our own philanthropic goals through our corporate giving program. Specifically, we provide as much support as possible to the following:

  • Schools in the communities in which CLB Restaurants operates;
  • Community organizations impacting the welfare of those communities residents; and
  • Organizations that support the economic well being of our communities.

Due to the large number of requests that CLB Restaurants receives, the following guidelines have been established for your convenience:

All requests must be submitted in writing on your organization’s letterhead and include the following:

  • Organization’s name, address, phone number
  • Contact person and information
  • Title and date of event
  • Brief explanation of request

Please submit your request at least 4 weeks prior to the event.

Please send all requests to community@clbrestaurants.com or to:

CLB Restaurants
Attn: Community Support
8200 Business Way, Suite A
Dublin, OH  43064

CLB Restaurants limits organizations to one donation per year.

We apologize, but CLB Restaurants is unable to donate to companies and individuals holding campaigns for other organizations. Thank you for thinking of CLB Restaurants and thank you for the work you are doing on behalf of your community – Cheers!